Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Top Universities

In this day and age you'd have to be a fool to dismiss a quality education as unnecessary. The truth is most of us need a college degree of some sort to succeed in this highly competitive world. Employers far and wide are looking for it. Large companies have no use for those who lack essential academic knowledge and skill. So, where does this leave you in the big scheme of things? Well, it's simple really. It leaves you searching for a great University to attend. Maybe you even want to take it to the next level and seek out top universities across the world. A great education can never hurt! I'll give you one guess at the current top universities in the USA. Do the words Princeton, Harvard and Yale mean anything to you? Yeah, I thought they might. These are the top three Universities for 2007, and in that order. Obviously not everyone is going to make it into an Ivy League school. Many of us could not afford the tuition if we did.

This is why I suggest that you ponder your chosen major or field of interest and take it from there. Think about what you want to attend a University for, and then proceed to find the best rated Universities that offer that particular major. This is the way to go!

There are countless colleges with great reputations to choose from. If you're stuck on finding a University in your area, then simply do a quick search online. Punch in the major you're looking for and applicable Universities should pop up. This is how I found my University.

Okay, maybe you're bent on attending one of the top universities in the country. If so, here are a few to pick from; California Institute of Technology, Dartmouth College, Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, Duke University, Cornell University, Columbia University, and the University of Chicago. Those are just a few of the several.

Fortunately for us Americans, we have plenty to select from when it comes to finding a good college. Be sure you acquire the education you deserve and need to succeed at whatyou love in life.