Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Higher Education In California

I had not planned on going on to get a graduate degree. Living in California higher education was not on the top of my list of priorities. You see, there are so many opportunities in California even if you don't have a higher education. There is Hollywood, there is the environmental non profit community, there are opportunities for starting your own tourism business, high-tech business, or restaurant. California really is the land of opportunity, So I had no intention of spending all of my time cooped up in school.

It isn't that higher education California isn't good – it is. California schools are among the best in the nation. Both California public universities and private schools are amazing. The UC system is so good that there is almost no point in going to a private university in California, and if you are a resident there, you can get significant deductions from your tuition. Even still, I didn't think that higher education in California was for me. I was sure that I would get that big break if I waited for it. I worked hard in my office, day in and day out, knowing that I was enjoying living in the real world more than I would enjoy chasing after a higher education California degree.

Now, I realize how silly I was being. I had not thought about all of the higher education employment opportunities that there were, but there were many of them. With higher education California, I would be able to make more money, have an easier life, and have more options available to me. Maybe California was the land of opportunity, but many of the opportunities were in academia. I decided to pursue higher education California By going back to get my Masters of arts. I wanted to be a writer, and I new higher education California would help me with that goal.

Looking back, I wonder why it took me so long to take advantage of the higher education California had to offer me. I guess I wasn't thinking clearly at the time. I was so busy enjoying myself that I never thought about where the real opportunities lay. With higher education California, I will be able to get a job at one of the University of California schools one day. I will be able to live my dreams, living easily and spending all my time writing and teaching. I can't think of a sweeter life!